I don’t make the rules…except in this case when I did! #maincharacterenergy
You live in a small town where you don’t fit in
You’ve recently moved to a big city from a small town where you didn't fit in
You’ve lived in a big city for so long, moving is not part of the plot
You live in a house
You live in an apartment
You’re single and everyone else is dating
You’re dating and everyone else is single
You’re getting married
Your best friend is getting married
You’re getting divorced
You’re staring out the window
You’re walking at night and looking up at the sky
You’re traveling
You’re running to make the bus/train/plane
You just make the bus/train/plane
You miss the bus/train/plane
You’re the most eccentrically dressed person in the room
You’re the plainest dressed person in the room
You’re shopping
Better if you’re trying things on
You’re getting ready to go out
You’re having a fight in public
You’re crying in public
You wait to get home, slam the door, and sob against the door
You’re flirting with a stranger
You’re too shy to flirt
Your kissing your date goodbye at the door
You’ve never been kissed
You’re eating Chinese take-out straight from the container
You love coffee
You know the bartender
The Big Night is approaching
You know all your friends’ other friends
You only have one friend
You don’t have a single friend
You’re listening to very cheerful, fun music
You’re listening to the saddest music ever written
You’re quiet
You’re loud
You’re at a concert
Now you’re back-stage at a concert
The performers ask you to join them
You’re performing at your own concert
You’re dating someone in a band
You’re dating someone really boring
You just started a new school
You’re becoming friends with the new kid at school
You have a secret crush on your best friend
You have a secret crush on the most popular person at school
You are the most popular person at school
You’re the most popular person at school’s lackey
You have a secret crush on the loner in the corner
You are the loner in the corner
You’re a good dancer
You’re a terrible dancer
You have a choreographed dance with someone
You have a handshake with someone
You’re watching a sunrise or sunset
You’re a great cook
You’re a terrible cook
You love coffee
You never touch the stuff!
Your parents are famous
Your parents are lame
You’re an orphan
You have a secret
You’re keeping a secret for someone
You’re a writer
You’re a doctor
You’re a lawyer
You’re a babysitter
You’re a bank-robber
You’re a secret agent
You’re solving a mystery
You work at a bar
You work at a store
You work at a diner
You work in an office
You hate your boss
You hate your job
Your job is your life
Someone just spilled a drink on you
You just spilled a drink on someone
Now the spiller and the spilled-on are falling in love
You’ve never been in love
You love to read
You don’t care about reading
You ride a bike everywhere
You’re changing the world
Your shoe broke
You just ran into someone you know
You’re British and everyone else is American
You’re American and everyone else is British
You live abroad
You’re on vacation
You’re gay
You’re straight
You wear hats
You have a rival
Your rival also wears hats